What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping Therapy is a truly incredible natural therapeutic modality that delivers remarkable results almost instantaneously. This method has been utilized around the world for thousands of years, not requiring the use of dangerous pills or surgery. Cupping therapy utilizes silicone, plastic or glass cups to create a vacuum or negative pressure on the skin providing numerous benefits. One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the separation that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This enables water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue, eliminating old waste and congestion. Below are a few more examples of the power this incredible therapy has to offer:

  • Alleviates pain and discomfort in precise locations

  • Quickly loosens stiff muscle and tension

  • Improves range of motion, flexibility and mobility

  • Stretches and relaxes muscle

  • Increases oxygenation and blood flow to body tissues

  • Eliminates excess fluids and toxins

  • Speeds up healing process

  • Helps break up adhesions and knots in muscle